Health habits Around the World


Health is wealth, a synonym every nation, every citizen knew.  How seriously it is being followed -- how much diligence it is been taken  by any one - Not so sure. In simple terms, Health is a term that denote - the state of being free from illness or injury. Beyond that , modern new age definition emphasize " the state of fitness and free from any adverse body condition including obesity".

To discuss the Health concept in a lighter note, let us learn about some global habits that are worth simulating in our homes as well:

FRANCE            --

French people never take their dinner or lunch at their lap or in front of their television sets as told by a Celebrity Trainer, Christianne Wolf. This is to understand that French are aware of how much they consume and any way they do not  eat under stress.

French give due importance to food, they celebrate food and view it as a sensual experience and add it up with a social touch of life.  They typically spend two hours when having a big lunch and a limited supper.  That allows them time to digest the food and actually feel full.


Lets make Mealtime a family affair so all in the family can catch up. Take one's time, pause between mouthfuls and savor the flavors and texture of the food  albeit a monotonous gulp. Adding drinks will be in moderate quantities while watching television.


Swedish tradition of "Fika", Prounced as "feeka" is as common as breakfast - something almost does atleast once a day, claims Anna Brones, author of Fika.  It  simply means"to drink coffee"but it is said that there is lot more to it than that which factors in planning, work scheduling and even a relaxed weekend at home.  Life without "fika" is unthinkable.


" Fika"  is also known a subtle art of taking one's time says Brones.  Its about making commitment to slow down and take a break from the rest of the day's plans.


Theme: Happiness

The secret to Finnish happiness is known "Sisu". confirms Finnish author, Joanna Nylund. "Sisu" is an an ancient Finnish word that portrays a symbol of courage, resilience, grit, tenacity and perseverance. Finnish appreciate nature, peace, quiet and generally don't sweat the small stuff.


"Gain perspective", suggested Meik Wiking, head of Happiness Research Institute. When encountering an unpleasant and frustrating situation one need to ask himself/herself, " Will this matter six months from now?." A lot of our daily setbacks, happiness have no impact on our long-term quality of life.
Be realistic when making one's to-do lists, Meik advises. The same may be required to be considered and disembark quite a few. The same may require one to consider his/her priorities and say NO.

Finnish take their time out. Its no exaggeration that are over an estimated 3.3 million saunas in Finland. And make time for friends. "One of the best predictors of happiness is satisfaction with social relationships.".

Theme: Cycling
Can you believe that in Holland there are more bicycles than people in The Netherlands. A study reveals that Dutch people cycle an average of 74 minutes per week and in cities like Amsterdam, 70% of all internal journeys are made through bicycle across all.

Researchers at the University of Utrecht say that cycling aids an average of six months to a normal lifespan expectancy.

If one hasn't done cycling for a while, just get back to it. And if one is new to cycling, just get to it, which is a very crux in formation of good health sans all vices.


Like India, Italy's culture centres on relaxing with family and friends and enjoy the simple flavors of
fresh local food. A supportive family network and close communication can boost health more than exercise, weight loss or quitting drinks and smokes as per psychologists in the journal PLOS medicine.

Lets have leisurely, seated mealtimes. First turn off one's phone and enjoy the company of friends and family. Take a stroll, or a "passeggiata" {a leisurely walk or stroll, especially one taken in the evening for the purpose of socializing.after dinner,}


Undoubtedly, Iceland tops the list of the world's healthiest countries and experts opine, it is no coincidence that fish plays a key role in an Icelandic life. Oily fish (Salmon, Mackeral, sardines, trout and herring) contain essential fatty acids such as Omega 3s which keep heart and brain healthy. Quality diary products also make up for the Icelandic diet.


Just aim to eat a wide variety of fish or take good quality fish oil to supplement if one do not like oily varieties.

In India:
In a multi-cultural Indian cooking, it is widely suggested to use a dash of Cold Pressed Cooking Oil to get the natural aroma of ingredients and blend with Fish & vegetables and Pulses cooking.

Indian eating habits vary across the sub continent but prefer family eating and socializing a priority

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