In the words of a leading Gastroentrologist, these 5 tips have helped his patients the most:-
1.     Cola : Never drink any Cola or juice from a packet . Never. If you want a drink, make lemonade or lassi or coconut water or plain simple crystal clear water . 

      Cola is a poison that you pay for. Fruit juice packets have lots of potentially cancer ausing preservatives and unhealthy amounts of sugar. Stick to water and fresh lemonade.

2.     Walk: Walk 30 minutes briskly every day . Make it a habit , evening or morning doesn't matter , do it when you can , but do it daily .

Even on Sundays, even on rainy days . This will not only improve your heart’s function, but also better blood circulation to brain which will boost your memory and mental sharpness .

3.     Sleep You need to sleep  8 hours a day . Do not manage with 6 or 7 hours . The baseline should be 8 hours,  if you can manage .

       Sleep not only recharges you, but also boosts your immune system and helps in body healing itself and regeneration.

4.     Carbs : Cut down on carbohydrates . Period.  Simply cut on rice and wheat or bread in diet . Don't stop it all together, as you need it for energy.  But if you routinely take a plateful of rice, take half a plate now on-wards. If you consume two slices of bread, take one slice.

     You will soon notice that you feel lighter and sharper and this will over 6 months, help you lose around 3 kgs of weight without even the hassle of any exercise. 

6.     Eggs : Eat 3 eggs daily . Eggs are nature’s cheapest source of highest quality protein. Packed with high quality amino acids, vitamins, minerals and brain boosting fats, Eggs are God's health food . Forget about all the myths you have read in cheap tabloids.  

         Eggs are a super food and any person (without active heart disease due to congenital high           cholesterol levels) can consume 3 or even 4 eggs a day. Eggs are very easy to digest and             help in keeping your bones strong and help in hair growth and keeping eye sight sharp.

Kindly follow this advice for a minimum of 3 months. (before you start noticing a visible change in your health) .

Source: Faiz Ahmad
, Gastroenterologist working in the United Kingdom

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