Reorganize your sleep duration – Do you know if you sleep over 9 hours during night, you risk chances of Stroke

Are you used to sleeping more than 9 hours during night or a habitual napper in the afternoons after a good noon lunch. Come on , Wake up now.  You are upping your chances to invite Stroke by a quarter, indicates a study.

Research found that people who sleep 9 hours plus during night are 23% more likely to get a stroke in their later ages compared to people who sleep less than 6 hours per night.

Further, the research indicated that people over 60 years of age who are used to a regular midday nap exceeding 90 minutes a day are  more likely to suffer a stroke than people who took a regular nap lasting from up to an hour or no nap at all.

The study published in ‘NEUROLOGY’ involved 31,750 people in China with an average age band of 62.  The people did not have any history of stroke or other major health problems at the beginning of the study. Study Author Xiaomin Zhang said: “More research is needed to understand how long naps and sleeping longer hours at night may be tied to an increased risk of stroke.”

The study participants were followed for an average of six years, during which time there were 1,557 stroke incidences. The participants were asked about their sleep and napping habits.

Research Author Zhang said midday napping is common in China.  Around 8% of the Chinese people took naps, lasting more than 90 minutes, while 24% said they slept nine or more hours per night.

People who were both long nappers and long sleepers were 85% more likely to have a stroke during their later years than people who were /are moderate sleepers and nappers.

Just check and reorganize your sleeping pattern for a long and healthy life.

Source: Daily Mirror

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