Just keep one thing in mind as it is a proven and known fact.

Your bones become thinner and lose their density finally.  and as the time passes the bones turn brittle and you are prone to injury.

Bones give a structure to our body and protect all our internal organs. What are joints, by the way.

Joints are basically complex structures of bones made to function through adjoining muscles. Joints allow you the right movement and stability.  Hence, it is vital to treat them well for your overall good health.

One thing you should know that if you already feel pain in your bones, then you are to be diagnosed for Osteoporosis.     

The bones in a human body are in state of constant cyclical change - where one new bone replaces an old one as the bone mass increases.  This change continues at a faster pace during younger days and peak around 30 years.  Then onwards , the bone growth rate slows down.  The volume of bone mass accumulated before the age of 30 and the rate of depletion could give a fair estimation of how likely one is expected to develop osteoporosis in later years to come.

Active physical life

One cannot emphasize the role of physical activity in maintaining bone health.  It is the most important factor to minimize  the risk of osteoporosis in older age.


A balanced diet with sufficient amount of calcium, Vitamin D and Protein helps with both bone and joint health. Calcium assists with bone density.  Vitamin D assists with calcium deposition whereas Protein builds muscles which supports joints.

Gender and Age

As bones become thinner and lighter with growing up of age, the elders are at a greater risk of osteoporosis.  Women have lesser bone tissues than men and therefore, they too are likely to develop osteoporosis.

Hormone Levels

It is a fact that some type of hormones are crucial to bone health.In women, estrogen levels, which are maintained during active menstruation period , drop significantly during menopause.  This increases the risk of osteoporosis.  Among men, low testosterone  levels could be a contributory factor in loss of bone mass.  Excessive thyroid activity could also affect bone mass.

Tobacco and alcohol                

Smoking has a direct negative bearing on bone mass.  Smokers are at a greater risk of developing osteoporosis.  Similarly, regular consumption of alcohol can also contribute to weaker bones leading to osteoporosis.


Very lean people or those with a small body frame are at a greater risk in older age because they have a lesser accumulation of bone mass to offset the loss in later  years.

Family history

The risk of osteoporosis increases if one has a family history, especially among close and direct relations - parents, siblings etc.,


Long term steroid use, cancer treatment, epilepsy treatment and some other medications can also lead to osteoporosis.

Source: Times Curator
