To achieve your New Year Resolution - Alter your life style slightly

When we view the life in a broader perspective, we tend to overlook the smaller things and keep an eye on the bigger ones instead.  Generally we tend to ignore the minor things that are affecting our health and only bestow care and attention when something serious crops up.  Yet, it always doesn't work always that way. The smaller things we are ignoring could add up and be the root cause of a bigger problem.  To put it short, to be more cautious of the little things that are messing with our health, here are few things that you should pay attention and more importantly to keep up and achieve your New Year resolutions:-          

Maintain Your Sleep time in the Night:

Do not delay your sleeping period.  People who go to sleep late tend to be more stressed out than those who are early sleepers.  Those of you who go to bed post-night are more susceptible to suffer from negative and stressful thoughts, which in turn, will delay one from sleeping even longer.  And the resultant stress emanating out of it , coupled with the lack of sleep, can mess with your body in the long run. 

Daily Longer Commutes:

For many of us , daily commute to our institution, college, workplace can extend to more than one hour or so.  And unfortunately, such long commutes daily can adversely affect your health.  You are more prone to fatigue and exhaustion, stress and other health issues.  While there is not much we can do about this one (as changing our workplace or college or school is not immediately possible) it is important to take this aspect into account when you cannot pinpoint where all your stress comes from....

Avoid wrong and unhealthy food:

The worst thing we are doing to our system and body is constantly feeding ourselves with processed foods, which causes weight gain, messes up our blood sugar and immune system and can cause heart diseases.  Basically, we cannot stress how bad - processed foods are for our health, so try and avoid totally those junk and processed foods as much as you can and as faster as you can.

Not to be over obsessive on Health:

Whether you are extreme dieting or exercising like a possessed soul, in your urge to get fitter and fitter in a shorter time, you might actually be putting your body at risk.  Quite often when one gets caught up with fitness and dieting, they tend to push themselves too hard and rigid. And that not only results in stress, it can affect your mood, cause fatigue and stop our body from effective functioning.  So the next time when you are trying to get fit, don't push your body too much because it will do more harm than good.  Speak, feel and know your body's limits and stretch.

If you master and practice the above, your resolutions will come out in flying colors and confidence will boost in your system and overall higher standards and benefits will be reaped in your life span and set an example for others to emulate you.

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