How essential is Sunlight for your body and good health

                               Dont imagine Sunlight is bad for your skin and health

When you think of the sun, your first thought might be about the damage it can cause to your skin.  And too much can cause several kinds of serious health issues.  But small amounts, especially early in the day during the onset of sunrise, especially early in the day before it's at its brightest, can be good for your skin and health in some ways.

                                    Actually How much Sunlight you need:

Generally speaking, Scientists think 5 to 15 minutes or up to 30 minutes if one is dark skinned is about the right amount of sunlight to get the most out of it without causing any health problems. The answer is different for each person as it depends on one's skin tone, age, health history, diet and the place of residence.  One can stay out longer in the sun and get the same effect if a sun screen is used. Consult your doctor about what's the right for you.

The sun's UV Rays help your body make this nutrient, which is important for your bones, blood cells and immune system.  It also helps you take in and use certain minerals like Calcium and Phosporous  And while most people get enough Vitamin D from food they take, children who do not , can get rickets, which softens and weakens the young bones.
                                  Protection Against Certain Conditions

Too much time outside can raise your chances of skin cancer, but people  who live in places that don't get  much sunlight may be more likely to have other types of the disease, including breast, colon, prostate and lung.  Their odds of getting other serious conditions like multiple sclerosis high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, may be higher too.  Scientists think this might be linked to lower levels of Vitamin D.
                                                   Better Sleep

Your eyes need light to help set your body's internal clock. Early morning sunlight in particular seems to help people get to sleep at night.  This may be more important as you age because your eyes are less able to take in light, as you are more likely to have problems going to sleep.
                                                      Weight Loss

Morning light also seems to help people keep the fat off. You need 20 to 30 minutes between 8 am and mid noon to make a difference, but the earlier you get it the better it seems to work.  Scientists think the sun's rays shrink fat cells below your skin's surface.  More sunshine means you are probably getting more exercise too, which is good for one in lots of ways, including shedding pounds.
                                                 Emotional Well-Being

Sunlight helps boost a chemical in your brain called serontonin, which can give more energy and help keep one calm, positive and focused. Doctors sometimes treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other types of depression linked to low levels of serontonin with natural or artificial light.
                                                  Eye Health
Moderate amounts of sun over your lifetime, especially in teenage and young adult years might make one less likely to have problems seeing things at a distance (near sightedness).  But too much direct sunlight can hurt your eyes. It can lead to blurred vision and raise your chances of cataracts.
                                                   Your Skin
Researchers think the three primary types of skin cancer -- melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma -- are mostly caused by too much time in the sun. So it’s very important to use sunscreen or cover up if you’re going to be outside longer than 15 minutes or so. But regular, small amounts of ultraviolet light may help ease the symptoms of certain skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo.
                                  Sunlight as Treatment
In addition to some skin issues, filtered sunlight also can be used to treat a condition called jaundice that mostly affects newborns. It happens when there’s too much of the chemical bilirubin in the blood, and it makes a baby’s skin look slightly yellow. Putting the baby in sunlight behind a window (to filter out the harmful kinds of rays) may help get rid of the bilirubin. Never put a newborn in direct sunlight outside.
Don't: Get Too Much Sun
Too much time outside without protection can not only make you more likely to get skin cancer, it can make your skin age faster, too, causing wrinkles, a leathery texture, and dark spots. And sunburned skin uses white blood cells from your immune system to heal. That can affect your body’s ability to fight off germs and make you more likely to get sick.
Do: Protect Your Eyes
You need sunglasses that block UV light and broad-brimmed hats whenever you’re outside for a while. The sun can damage your eyes any time, not just in summer, and the rays can pass right through clouds. (Don’t forget that kids need this same protection, too.)
Do: Use Sunscreen
An SPF of 15 or higher is best. Look for “broad exposure,” which blocks more of the UV light. Put it on 30 minutes before you go outside, and don’t forget areas like your lips, ears, and neck. Put more on if you swim or sweat. Try to stay out of the direct sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun’s rays are strongest, and take breaks inside.
Don’t: Go to Tanning Beds
This also raises your chances of skin cancer. If you do it before age 35, you’re 60% more likely to get melanoma, the most serious form. Even one session can raise your odds of melanoma by 20% and other types by as much as 65%. If you want that all-over body tan, tanning lotions might be an option. Most are safe, but they usually don’t have sunscreen in them, so don’t forget to put that on as well.
Do: Go to the Dermatologist
Check your skin once a month or so. If possible, ask a family member to help if you can’t see everywhere on your body. Stand in front of a full-length mirror -- a chair and a hand mirror can help -- and look all over for any new growths or changes in old spots. See your doctor or dermatologist if you notice anything unusual.
