No one need  tell you … Life is full of lessons.

The longer you live, the more you (hopefully) learn.

I will just share you some basic and fundamental lessons that took me until 50 years to fully understand.

  1. Accumulate or acquire more and more knowledge,  not just the stuff

Knowledge takes you high and sets you free.  Do you know that more and more stuff weighs you down.

Many of us used to spend a lot of money on material stuff like jewellery, cars, expensive phones, gadgets, all type of electronics. But have any of you thought of spending some money on books, online courses which are far less expensive (you know saving money and seeing it grow is a wonderful heavenly experience) and they expand one’s overall knowledge helping to earn even more money in the future days.

       2. Don’t keep looking for investment, do you know , YOU ARE THE BEST INVESTMENT

There are hundreds of investment options, investors in the market like 401(k)’s,  IRAs, Tesla, Bitcoin, etc., are all great investment (as of today). But do you know you are a far better investment than those will ever be.  There are lots of ways to invest in yourself ——- buy yourself a gym membership (which will actually elevate your mental, emotional, physical and external stimulus), read books, sleep 8 hours a night, talk to a professional therapist etc.,

When you make these investments, you improve your overall “score” as a human, in turn , elevate your confidence, your well being, your earning potential and general happiness.

You can never expect a better ROI than money and time spent on YOURSELF.

            3. Do not keep saying that NOT ENOUGH TIME OR SHORT OF TIME , which is a real bullshit.

Do you know or have any time realized that you have all the time to do anything you want.  Its all about your mindset, mental block which plays with you, but at the end of the day it is all about your set of priorities.

You do not believe me……..?…..

Check your daily screen timing you devote or how much time you waste watching shows, simply and aimlessly meddle with your smart phone or playing video games. Every time you tell yourself, “I dont have the time for that” what it really meant to be said is, “This is not a priority for me right now” once you get rid of phone and other electronic gadgets, you just see the amazing effects in your life.

           4. Do things only YOU want to do

I juggle many different priorities including my 10 – 6 job (when i was employed), parallel to that i was engaged in self entrepreneurship,  personal goals like fitness and weight reduction, at least I learnt these to implement during my 50th year and before i become pretty old and weak.  Do not live life according to some one’s plan and priority.  You live your life. YOU are the boss and YOU are the priority.

But this generation, i realize no one gets to make schedule and no one value others’ time as well.  Scant regard for appointments, schedules and commitments. Life is too short to plough  in somebody else’s metaphorical field..

Though, I do not always enjoy the things i do,  I for one, at least know that it’s my choice to do them, and whenever I want, I have the power to stop and do something else instead.  My father used to say, CHANGE OF WORK IS REST.   Yes , that is one hundred percent right. You try it for yourself and enjoy it.

    5. Your Phone and other electronic gadgets are a deterrent for your SUCCESS

It’s a shiny little object always within your arm’s reach that gives you full access to as many rabbit holes and pigeon holes that you are willing to spend your time exploring through.

Normally though, you are just checking it waiting for a social media notification or some one you are crushing on to send you a lovely message.

Hell with it.  I have spent a ton of time browsing Reddit, Dating apps just waiting for a girl I like to text me back. When she does, it’s like a shot of dopamine that gives me just enough of a dose to wait for the next one. One gets addicted.

But all that time spent “waiting” is time wasted in your life. Your phone is hands down the biggest distraction and enemy to your progress and healthy living which prevents you from the work you know you should be doing for your betterment in terms of moral, financial and health needs.

Nowadays, occasionally when I see myself unplanned in that loop, I slap and ask to myself, ” what is that you are up to idiot, put the phone down and get back to basics”  It helps really.

      6. The Perfect time never comes

In every one’s life, there will be or there always be a super justifiable, totally realistic and believable excuse NOT to do something.  I am not kidding you….. there are lot of legitimate reasons against going back to school, work or starting a new project at work, or finish your timelines, or settling down or whatever else.

That’s the problem though. There’s always something, which is why if you want it bad enough, you have to make it a priority and just do it.

It doesn’t matter what else is going on in your life.  If it’s important to you, you’ll figure it out and make it work.

      7. One never knows where life is going to take them really

So always be willing to take a chance.

The best job i have ever had was with a company I had never heard of.  While waiting for bigwig companies like HP, HCL, Marriots and Pharmaceuticals, I said to myself, ” screw it , I ‘ll go and work with these guys, where I had been last. And its been 100% worth ever since. You know, the best dates were ones that I was reluctant about and came close to cancelling.

The best life experiences I’ve had were spur-of-the-moment , “Hell with it,  **** it lets do it ” decisions only.

You know, Time and again, life will keep surprising you.

       8.  Love yourself first

I can tell you, you will not find something what you are missing internally and inwardly in someone else’s mind and heart.  So now you know.

      9. With Others, love isn’t enough

My very close friend, married in the year 2003, he married the woman he loved, four years later in 2017, they were separated. Eventually divorced.

Here I understood, Love simply wasn’t enough to tread in your life path.

Then I understood that there are a lot of other factors that need to be considered when choosing a life partner, including the big things like :

  • Do you agree on kids and how to raise them
  • Do you agree on how you spend your money
  • Do you agree on how much time we need to spend time together?

And also little insignificant things like :

  • What temperature do you like to keep the thermostat on?
  • How often you load the washing machine or clean the microwave oven ?
  • How often should you take care of our garden? or few potted plants we have in our balcony or sit-ou

Wherever total agreement isn’t possible, compromise and willingness to make it work are the two vital factors which dictate a successful relationship.

     10It’s totally FINE to break routine

To make life more meaningful and lively, it’s okay that you should break your routines regularly.

Routines are awesome… until they’re not.  Example is …. even the best exercise regimen or routine eventually lead to plateaus ( nil progress). Use routines as long as they are working for you.  When they no longer work, or when you are no longer happy with them, find a new one.

Life changes but smart people adapt changes very quickly.


The best nights are nights which are spent sober, in bed, by 9 pm, reading with a scented candle. Try it at least twice a week and experience the difference.

Brought to you by:
Ethnic and Pure Cold Pressed Cooking Oils
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